MOROCCO | Casablanca & Marrakesch

1:20 am

So the following days in Casblanca and Marrakesch went pretty fast and uneventfully mainly due to heavy rain all the time and our araab hosts' love of sleeping (I mean when you wake up at 3 pm there is not that much left to do).

We did see Casablanca Mall which they are soo proud of since it is the biggest one in Africa. However when we visited it it was really empty and sad, I was not impressed at all. 

Finally on the road to Marrakesch !

Seriously - the best shit ever. Could come back to Morocco just for food. This was a different variation of the meatballs I showed you in the last post.

Breakfast in the airport after an amazing night out (went to a casino for the first time and went crazy in there!). After the casino we went to the markeet again around 5am to ask to buy some freshly squeezed orange juice just because IT IS RIDICULUOSLY AMAZING. Seriously, the best juice you will ever get AND only 40 cents ! 
However it was time for prayer and no one was there but after a long search we finally found some people who were willing to sell it for us, even though the market was not even open. In Morocco they will do anything for money.
Anyways, in the picture you can see the juice I was so hyped about and some Moroccan pancake with honey, was pretty good. 

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