Health bandwagon

7:27 am

Hey there,

So I can surely say that recently I have jumped on a health bandwagon since I thought that maybe this year I should try to do something about that winter fat not two days before my beach holidays. Me trying to be healthy consists of eating relatively healthy and just trying really hard to do portion control. I will admit that to me it is probably the hardest part since I have such a strong sense of HAVING to eat everything that is on my plate (that is just how I was brought up). I personally think it is the most important thing.
Other than that I am also doing Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide, I am almost sure that you have heard of her already but if not, google it. She has the best transformation pictures of her clients. Anyway, I am quite lazy with working out and my love to partying restricts me from comitting to sports to the fullest. However, I think I am just going to make a slow transition and go one step at a time to my summer body. On the other hand, I already slowed down with my night life so that is definitely a good thing. Will see what the results are going to be.
So my goal for this week and next week is slowly increase my activities (go jogging or just do small workouts when I have time) and not necesseraly do the full workout plan from Kayla Itsines since it is sooo hard and just kind of demotivates me just by thinking about it...

Is anyone else on a way to their summer bodies? Maybe you have any tips how to combine going out and healthy living?

This is something I am aiming for - lean, strong and flexible. Doesnt go well with alcohol though.

yah bishh!!

AAAAND the last thing... I want to share with you guys this youtube channel I cam across of a Malaysian girl living in the UK. She posts workouts and healthy recipes. The thing I love about her channel is that recipes are sooo easy to make, don't require much time or ingredients. Less talking more watching: CHECK THIS OUT

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